Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

Tag 9 - Columbus, Aberdeen, Houston, Grenada, Glendora, Ruleville, Drew, Clarksdale.





             Somewhere down the Road.............


The Emmett (Louis) Till Historic Intrepid Center (ETHIC) is a memorial museum and technology center that serves as the cornerstone of Glendora 's cultural tourism industry, exemplifying a unique blend of cultural heritage preservation, a commitment to life-long and continuing education, as well as the effective deployment of advanced technology in a small rural community. The memorial museum will be housed on the lower level of an old cotton gin that has been converted to serve as a new souvenir and gift shop as well as a repository for artifacts, photos, oral histories and audio-visual archives reflecting the Town of Glendora's association with the history of the Till kidnapping, brutal murder & infamous trial. There will also be other exhibits within the museum, including a "Sonny Boy" Williamson display.




                                             Greasy Street,Ruleville,MS


                                      Jimmy Rogers




And now we are taking a walk though Clarksdale by Night...


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